Explore Fayoum .. Where History Meets Nature

19 May 2024

Kom Aushim Museum Fayoum

Explore Karanis Museum which is small but shows the design of the Ptolemaic Roman Empire, it also includes two of the famous Fayoum portraits which were painted on wood to cover the face of the mummy, The museum has antiques belong to Fayoum's different subsequent eras and it is really worth the visit.
Kom Aushim Museum Fayoum
Kom Aushim Museum is Good Place to pick guides to all parts of Fayoum. The Museum was originally erected in 1974. It Exhibits artifacts dating from Prehistoric to Roman Periods it Also Exhibits Fayoum Portrait .

The mummy portraits that have survived have unfortunately become detached from their mummies. Because of this we rarely know the identities of these portraits.
Fayoum mummy portraits

Fayoum mummy portraits

Fayoum mummy portraits
In the late 1880s some mysterious portraits started to reach Western Europe and the United States of America. They came from Egypt’s Fayoum. A large collection was possessed by an Austrian man, Theodor Graf but the better documented ones were found at Hawara by the British archaeologist , W.M. Flinders Petrie.
Kom Aushim Museum Fayoum
A lot of museums and antiquity collectors throughout the world posses hundreds of “Fayum portraits. ” There are some examples in Egypt, Europe and North America , including large and noteworthy collections at Berkeley, New York , and Boston.
Kom Aushim Museum Fayoum
There are about thousand portraits discovered in the cemeteries in the El Fayoum Oasis, and because of the dry climate of the region it has excellently preserved.
Kom Aushim Museum Fayoum
Kom Oshim is a town date back to Greek Roman in Fayoum at western desert of Egypt, this city went through many changes and it was totally occupied for about seven centuries .
Kom Aushim Museum Fayoum
Kom Aushim Museum's first concept was a site museum to display the nearby archaeological discoveries. In 1974, the museum’s building consisted of a single hall, and part of it continued to display local products and handicrafts until 1993.
Kom Aushim Museum Fayoum
Then, when the Egyptian Antiquities Authority decided to expand the existing ŠIN¢Ū upper floor displayed Coptic and Islamic antiquities. It is worth mentioning that the museum followed a chronological order in displaying its objects from the oldest (pre-history) to the recent (Modern era of Muhammad Ali).

The Current Interpretation of the Museum The museum displays about 320 objects. A lot of objects are not from Fayoum and are not related to Fayoum region or sites. The display and interpretation is thematic. The first floor has nineteen showcases with objects that address daily life and ancient handicrafts such as textile, pottery, glass, statues, jewelry, wood, and etc.

Travelling to Fayoum is an unforgettable experience that will leave lasting memories with anyone who visits this beautiful part of Egypt! With its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage and delicious local cuisine .

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